Hey guys! I'm so excited to share with you guys Episode 2 of our Rustic Makeover Series on my YouTube Channel! Today, we are making over my friend's home office! She has a shop on Etsy, which allows her to work from home! Unfortunately, most of her work has been done in the dining room for the past couple of years, so my goal with this makeover was to give her a private, functional craft/office space to work! ...And I am so happy with the end results, I can't wait to share it with you guys!!
Click above to watch Episode 3 :: Home Office!
A quick pick-up & declutter gives you a clean slate & a fresh mind to start your makeover! Before we started, we knew what items we were keeping, and what was being taken out. This helped the cleaning & decluttering process go so much smoother, because we knew exactly what went where!
Focus on one section at a time. A large area can be so overwhelming if you're trying to take it on all at once! Don't feel rushed to make the space look great. Makeovers usually take me weeks (or more) to plan out everything I want to add to make the space functional & peaceful. Make sure you find things you LOVE & are INSPIRED by!
One place I love to shop during makeovers is Ikea! They have great quality items for a great price (usually). But one thing that isn't always in their favor, and that is their items can sometimes look a bit too "cookie cutter" - but there are simple ways to elevate those pieces to look more custom and upscale - easily and on budget! The way I customized a cube organizer in this space was to add on some furniture legs I found on Amazon! They were so simple to add on & all for under $20!
Sometimes what we envision just doesn't turn out! I hardly ever have a makeover without some type of hiccup! This specific one went fairly smooth, but we did decide to paint the walls a lighter & more neutral color (last minute) & although it took extra time, it turned out so good!! Having an open mind & looking at several options will help you find the best set up for you!
Paint color is Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter
Making a space function well for you & become your own is all in the small details! Whether that means getting creative with your decor or doing some DIYs, it's a step I wouldn't recommend skipping! A few things I did to make this space special for my friend is adding my own DIY curtain rod as well as a custom organization solution for her vinyl! (how I created these are in this video!) We also made custom labels along with a handmade sign using my Cricut machine!
DIY Vinyl Organizer
DIY Curtain Rod
DIY Sign + Labels
before & after
Stay tuned for more episodes in this Rustic Makeover Series!
Episode 1 :: Kids Shared Bedroom
Episode 2 :: Home Office Makeover
Episode 3 :: Pantry Makeover (coming soon)
Episode 4 :: Master Bedroom Makeover (coming soon)
Love you guys!!
XO, amanda
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